The DENY® Lock System can be a great addition for many businesses – both businesses that sell coolers, and ones who don’t. DENY® is currently finding success working with retailers in a variety of market segments. If you think your business would be a good fit, contact our team today.

How DENY® Works with Dealers
The DENY® Systems revolve around our IronFist® Base which serves as an anchor point for various accessories. For cooler security we supply a variety of StiffArm® Locking Bar sizes that fit nearly all brands and sizes of premium coolers. Our team works with dealers one-by-one to ensure that they are setup with the best mix for them. We also have DENY Chain Restraints and Chain Adapters that allow generators, compressors, toolboxes, and other equipment or tools to be locked down, but not easily cut like padlocks.
Click here to view a chart of various size StiffArm Bars for different brand coolers.
Check out our YouTube Channel to see more info on the system in motion!
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